CompostAble Chicago
The Foodservice Packaging Institute (FPI) and partners have released the CompostAble Chicago study report. The study aimed to understand how the use of compostable foodservice packaging, under targeted operating conditions that have been identified to promote successful program, might correlate to both increased capture of front-of-house (FOH) food scraps and reduced contamination in the compost stream. The project evaluated these operating conditions at several Chicago-based foodservice venues, and characterized the contents of their waste streams including compost, trash, and recycling. A detailed framework for evaluating these venue operating conditions is presented within the study.
In addition to researching the relationship between compostable foodservice packaging and food scrap recovery, the study also developed methodologies for venue-to-operator evaluation and continued, expanded research. The published materials also include a guide and template for collecting data from additional venues to grow the body of data for analysis.
The CompostAble Chicago study is sponsored by FPI in collaboration with Biodegradable Products Institute (BPI), Eco-Products, Illinois Food Scrap Coalition (IFSC), Plant Based Products Council (PBPC) and Sustainable Packaging Coalition (SPC). Research and waste sorts were conducted by Resource Recycling Systems (RRS) and Bright Beat.
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